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Contract Opportunity Web Based Postage Services in JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF USA

Contract Information

  • Contract Status:Active
  • Contract ID:RFQ000913
  • Department/Ind. Agency: JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF
  • Office: FBI-JEH

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation
  • Original Publication Date: 2024-09-13 12:24
  • Original Date Offers Due: 2024-09-23T13:00
  • Inactive Policy:MANUAL
  • Original Inactive Date: 2024-09-24
  • Initiative: Solicitation


Contract Description

The purpose of this contract is to provide the services of a United States Postal Service (USPS) approved contractor to provide 24/7 web-based postage directly via a secure Internet website.  Services shall include, but are not limited to weighing, calculating and printing of postage to be physically affixed on each mail piece; obtaining all postage via the USPS Official Mail Accounting System (OMAS); providing postage tracking and activity in report form by each location and user; as well as digital scales, automated and timely postage rate increases, installation, training, USPS registration, licenses, fees, supplies, call center technical support and consolidated invoicing.  All services, equipment, postage, supplies, etc., shall meet USPS regulations and be in full compliance with all regulations described in the most current issue of the USPS Domestic Mail Manual. Noter this requirement does not require Cloud based services. The classification for this procurement is unclassified.

Primary Contact Information

  • Holly Cloud