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Contract Opportunity NV FLAP 400(1), Logandale Trails Access Road in TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF USA

Contract Information

  • Contract Status:Active
  • Contract ID:6982AF24B000020

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation
  • Original Publication Date: 2024-09-11 15:05
  • Original Date Offers Due: 2024-09-19T14:00
  • Inactive Policy:AUTOMATIC
  • Original Inactive Date: 2024-10-04
  • Initiative: Solicitation


Contract Description

PROJECT NUMBER and NAME:  NV FLAP 400(1), LOGANDALE TRAILS ACCESS ROAD PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project is in Logandale, Nevada in Clark County located 58 miles north east of Las Vegas, Nevada.  The project begins on the west side of town and ends at the parking area for Logandale Trails, which is part of Nevada State Parks. The terrain is mostly rolling with elevation varying from 1,400 to 1,830 feet. The project consists of 4R work. The project consists of roadway construction of approximately 3 miles with some large cuts and fills. The roadway will then get aggregate base and paved. Other elements of work include construction on low water crossings protected by concrete barrier and riprap then topped with concrete pavement. A desert tortoise biologist will be required at different stages of construction. PRINCIPAL WORK ITEMS: Major items of work for the project include the following: Roadway Excavation – 45,000 CUYD Waste – 20,000 CUYD Aggregate Base – 16,000 TON Asphalt Concrete Pavement – 10,000 TON Curb, Concrete – 4,500 LNFT Concrete barrier – 1,200 LNFT Minor Concrete Pavement – 1,100 SQYD ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE:  Advertise: August 2024 It is anticipated construction will start approximately February 2025 and finish approximately October 2025. ESTIMATED COST RANGE:  The anticipated cost range is between $10,000,000 and $20,000,000.

Primary Contact Information


Contract History

Sr NoContractPublication DateContract Type
1NV FLAP 400(1), Logandale Trails Access Road2024-07-26 12:04Sources Sought
2NV FLAP 400(1), Logandale Trails Access Road2024-07-30 15:30Presolicitation
3NV FLAP 400(1), Logandale Trails Access Road2024-08-20 14:56Presolicitation
4NV FLAP 400(1), Logandale Trails Access Road2024-08-23 12:14Solicitation
5NV FLAP 400(1), Logandale Trails Access Road2024-09-03 18:20Solicitation
6NV FLAP 400(1), Logandale Trails Access Road2024-09-09 15:51Solicitation
7NV FLAP 400(1), Logandale Trails Access Road2024-09-11 15:05Solicitation
8NV FLAP 400(1), Logandale Trails Access Road2024-09-12 17:41Solicitation
9NV FLAP 400(1), Logandale Trails Access Road2024-09-13 13:20Solicitation
10NV FLAP 400(1), Logandale Trails Access Road2024-09-13 15:15Solicitation