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Contract Opportunity Screening Information Request (SIR) for Instrument Landing System (ILS) Installation Demonstrations in TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF

Contract Information

  • Contract Status:Active
  • Contract ID:693KA8-24-R-00024

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Solicitation
  • Original Publication Date: 2024-09-13 13:53
  • Original Date Offers Due: 2024-09-30T12:00
  • Inactive Policy:AUTOMATIC
  • Original Inactive Date: 2024-10-15
  • Initiative: Solicitation


Contract Description

Update 3 - The purpose of this update is to attach Amendment 0001 of this SIR. This amendment extends the due date for vendor questions to September 18, 2024 at 5:00 pm Eastern Time. This amendment includes the entirety of the original SIR with an amended Section L replacing the original Section L. A Word version of the amended Section L is also provided with this update. Finally, SIR Section A has been incorporated into the Amendment 0001 version of the SIR. All other SIR terms and conditions, including the proposal due date, remain unchanged.  Update 2 - The purpose of this update is to attach a revised Section A of the SIR, which corrects a typographical error located in the body. All other items and instructions found in Update 1, below, still apply.  Update 1 - The purpose of this update is to provide Section A of the SIR. Interested Offerors must be sure to include a completed Section A with their proposal as part of Volume V - SIR Section and Miscellaneous. See Section L. of the SIR for further instructions. The due date for questions, and for submission of proposals, remain unchanged.  Original Announcement - The purpose of this announcement it to post a Screening Information Request (SIR) for Instrument Landing System (ILS) Installation Demonstrations in support of AJM-32, Navigation Programs, AJM-3231, Ground Based Navigation Aids. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires the replacement of a MK1D ILS to an ILS-420 system. The FAA may award up to three (3) individual contract awards in response to this SIR, with each contract awarding the work to perform one ILS replacement at a single project site. The potential project site will be a general aviation airport located in Kansas, Illinois, or Indiana.  The exact airport location will be provided at time of contract award.  This SIR is issued as a partial Small Business Set-Aside in accordance with the FAA Acquisition Management System (AMS). Please see the attached SIR for more information on how the FAA intends to conduct evaluations of proposals submitted by Small Businesses and Other Than Small Businesses. Please see the attached SIR and Pricing Model for further information including due dates for questions and proposals. SIR sections requiring offeror input, Sections K, L, and Attachments J-1, J-5, and J-7, are included in either Word of Excel format. Instructions for the submission of SIR Section A, (see SIR Section L. a), will be provided the during the week of September 9, 2024. Interested Offerors should monitor this announcement for updates on this matter.  All questions must be in writing. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! All questions must be submitted to Mr. Richard J. Simons at AND to Mr. Haben Woldemichael at by September 10, 2024. All interested sources should first attempt to download the attached SIR document(s) on this website. If downloading is not possible, all requests for copies of SIR document(s) must be made in writing to the attention of the POCs in this paragraph and listed below.

Primary Contact Information

  • Richard J. Simons

Secondary Contact Information

  • Haben Woldemichael

Contract History