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Contract Opportunity DA10--Home Health Orders Management System, Brand Name or Equal in VETERANS AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF USA

Contract Information

  • Contract Status:Active
  • Contract ID:36C25924Q0817
  • Office: NETWORK CONTRACT OFFICE 19 (36C259)

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
  • Original Publication Date: 2024-09-13 22:31
  • Original Date Offers Due: 2024-09-18T15:00
  • Inactive Policy:MANUAL
  • Original Inactive Date: 2024-11-17
  • Initiative: Combined Synopsis/Solicitation


Contract Description

Combined Synopsis/Solicitation Notice Combined Synopsis/Solicitation Notice Page 13 of 13 Request for Quote (RFQ): | Home Health Orders Management System (Brand Name or Equal) This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in FAR Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; quotes are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. The Government reserves the right to make no award from this solicitation. * The deadline for all questions is 12:00 pm MST, September 17, 2024 All questions must be submitted in writing no later than the question cut-off date marked above. All questions will be answered officially through an amendment to the solicitation. ** Quotes are to be provided to no later than 3:00pm MST, September 18, 2024. Quotes shall not be hand carried. Faxed quotes shall not be accepted. Emailed quotes are the only method of submitted quotes (4MB email limit). The Government reserves the right to make award solely on initial Quotes received. Offerors bear the burden of ensuring that all portions of the offer (and any authorized amendments) reach the designated office before the deadline specified in the solicitation. This RFQ shall be completed in its entirety, and signed and dated, failure shall not be considered for award. This is a Request for Quote (RFQ) and the solicitation number is 36C25924Q0817. The government anticipates awarding a firm-fixed price contract resulting from this solicitation. This solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2024-04 effective May 01, 2024. The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code for this procurement is 513210 with a small business size standard of $47.0M. This solicitation is set aside for Small Business. List of Line Items; This procurement is brand name or equal to the line items listed in the table. Line Item Description QTY UoM Unit Price Total Price 0001 Home Health Orders Management System 12-Month Service Agreement for Suturesign Enterprise E-signature System or Equal and Applications 12 MO 0002 Virtual Training 1 JB 0002 Home Health Orders Management System 12-Month Service Agreement for Suturesign Enterprise E-signature System or Equal and Applications 12 MO 0003 Home Health Orders Management System 12-Month Service Agreement for Suturesign Enterprise E-signature System or Equal and Applications 12 MO 0004 Home Health Orders Management System 12-Month Service Agreement for Suturesign Enterprise E-signature System or Equal and Applications 12 MO 0005 Home Health Orders Management System 12-Month Service Agreement for Suturesign Enterprise E-signature System or Equal and Applications 12 MO Grand Total $ Description of Requirements for the items to be acquired: This is a Brand name or Equal solicitation, the salient characteristics required are found in the below statement of work. Quotes must match or exceed the salient characteristics to be considered for award.   Cut sheets and Specification sheets proving the offered product meets all required specifications and salient characteristics shall be included with the quote. Quotes shall be accompanied by an authorized distributor letter provided by the manufacturer. Statement of Need: 1.0 Purpose: The Cheyenne VA Medical Center has a requirement for a recurring subscription of a comprehensive web-based home health order managing system to replace the inefficient workflow involving paper documents that currently exists. Authorized vendor must be able to enable healthcare providers to review and sign all clinical documents with ease and in one place, along with the help of their staff. Estimated Healthcare Provider User count per CHYVAMC location is in table 1. Authorized vendor must be able to enable sending providers to easily access the signing provider with just their name, while offering robust tracking and auditing tools. This is a Brand Name or Equal requirement; refer to the salient characteristic(s) below. Table 1 Item(s) Summary 2.0 Scope of Work: Contractor will provide access for licenses that will allow online accommodation of home health order management and real-time adhoc reports. 2.1 The software must be able to support the requirement without installing any physical equipment, no software shall be downloaded to VA users desktop or server. The system shall not interface or integrate with any VistA system. 2.2 The internet based system shall be hosted utilizing a FedRAMP Approved Data Center. 2.3 Provide customer service support via telephone or online Monday thru Friday as well as after-hours support in the event of emergencies. 2.4 Work with the Point of Contact(s) listed in Section 3 to manage requests, compliant with applicable Master Agreements. During the life of the contract, the software and applications must maintain a 98% reliability rating or approximately one (1) day of inoperability a month. If the software fails, malfunctions, or is not functioning properly repairs will be performed immediately by the contractor within one (1) calendar day. 2.6 The internet-based home health orders management system shall include, at no extra charge, any engineering and software updates necessary for continued operation of the online service listed in this contract. 2.7 Automated home health orders management system must be available via both web browser and mobile (iOS and Android) applications. 2.8 Must provide unlimited technical support to meet the needs of the facility. 3.0 Delivery Schedule: Table 2 Period of Performance Period of Performance Estimated Delivery Start Date Estimate Delivery End Date       Base 30 September 2024 29 September 2025 Option Year (1) 30 September 2025 29 September 2026 Option Year (2) 30 September 2026 29 September 2027 Option Year (3) 30 September 2027 29 September 2028 Option Year (4) 30 September 2028 29 September 2029 3.1 The Contractor will coordinate with the on-site POC(s) in Section 3, Paragraph 3.1.1 3.1.4 before delivery and training. 3.1.1 POCs will be designated at time of award. 3.2 The vendor must follow CDC guidelines when on VA property. Any individuals who need to enter the building for installation &/or training may be required to be screened by the site staff prior to entry. Please allow time for this in your schedule. 3.5 Assembly and Installation Required (Yes No ) 3.6 Training Required (Yes No ) 4.0 Training 4.1 Contractor will provide comprehensive Virtual training for the Suturesign Enterprise E-signature system or Equal and applications. 4.2 Contractor shall make the necessary arrangements with the Point of Contact(s) listed in Section 3 to schedule training for both the users as well as administrators. 4.3 Training may be performed as dictated and agreed upon both parties on weekends, after normal business hours (0730-1600hrs), or federal holidays. 4.4 Training must be completed prior to implementation of the program. 5.0 Salient Characteristics Basis of Requirement: Suturesign Enterprise E-signature system or Equal. Home Health orders Management System Valid Authorize to Operate (ATO) designation within the VA FedRAMP Certified Must Have Existing Mobile Application to Mobile Application Integration With Vocera US Based Support Sender & Signer Helpdesk Services; No Additional Cost Conduct Sender recruitment and on-boarding support Ability to Pull Reports On-Demand and Exportable to Excel, PDF, and CSV 100% Web-Based Accessible By A Web Browser Neither Publish or Store Any Patient Identifiable Information Not Locally Hosted No Additional Hardware or Software Required at VA Accessible via Native iPhone and Android Mobile Applications Provide Full End-User Functionality Provide user friendly, decision support tools. Must have the ability to sign documents from multiple disciplines and providers on the same platform from, home health, medical equipment, hospice, etc.   Must be able to organize documents by patient. The system must have a process to assign documents to a specific patient in the system. Must have capability to bulk review and sign documents, rather than signing each document or each section individually. Must have the ability to reject individual documents without rejecting a whole batch of documents. Must have the ability to document the reason a document is rejected to assist with compliance. Must allow for records to be sent back to sending agency for correction when errors are found before signature. Must have safety feature to ensure nurses and doctors are spending a designated amount of time reviewing the document prior to signing. Must be able to upload signed records to the VA medical record storage like CPRS/VISTA/JLV upon completion. System must have a process for alerting staff that records are ready for processing and signature. The system must be able to allow the VA to reassign signers without sending back to the sender. The system must have the ability to search/report on documents by type and sending organization. The system must allow the receiving organization to change the clinical document type from the one assigned by the sender. The system must have a process to assign documents to a specific patient in the system. Must be able to support the request process through the mobile application. Must have the ability to configure various levels of user permissions and associate functionality at the enterprise, departmental and user level. servers are hosted in Amazon Web Services, Region US-East 1. The information that will be stored and uploaded to one of our systems either VISTA/CPRS will be home health orders/documents, nursing home orders/documents, and any other order from a community care provider that requires a provider s signature to start with. Delivery and acceptance is to be F.O.B Destination (FAR 52.247-34) at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, located at: Cheyenne VA Medical Center (CHYVAMC) 2360 East Pershing Boulevard Cheyenne, WY 82001 52.212-1, Instructions to Offerors--Commercial Items applies to this acquisition ADDENDUM to FAR 52.212-1 INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS COMMERCIAL Gray market items are Original Equipment Manufacturer s (OEM) goods sold through unauthorized channels in direct competition with authorized distributors. This procurement is for new OEM medical supplies, medical equipment and/or services contracts for maintenance of medical equipment (i.e. replacement parts) for VA Medical Centers.  No remanufactures or gray market items will be acceptable. Offeror shall be an OEM, authorized dealer, authorized distributor or authorized reseller for the proposed medical supplies, medical equipment and/or services contracts for maintenance of medical equipment (i.e. replacement parts), verified by an authorization letter or other documents from the OEM, such that the OEM s warranty and service are provided and maintained by the OEM.  All software licensing, warranty and service associated with the medical supplies, medical equipment and/or services contracts for maintenance of medical equipment shall be in accordance with the OEM terms and conditions. The delivery of gray market items to the VA in the fulfillment of an order/award constitutes a breach of contract.  Accordingly, the VA reserves the right enforce any of its contractual remedies. This includes termination of the contract or, solely at the VA s election, allowing the Vendor to replace, at no cost to the Government, any remanufactured or gray market item(s) delivered to a VA medical facility upon discovery of such items. Offerors providing an or equal product(s) must adhere to the terms in FAR 52.211-6. If an item in this solicitation is identified as brand name or equal, the purchase description reflects the characteristics and level of quality that will satisfy the Government s needs. The salient physical, functional, or performance characteristics that equal products must meet or exceed are specified in the solicitation. To be considered for award, offers of equal products, including equal products of the brand name manufacturer, must Meet the salient physical, functional, or performance characteristic specified in this solicitation; Clearly identify the item by- Brand name, if any and Make or model number, Include descriptive literature such as illustrations, drawings, or a clear reference to previously furnished descriptive data or information available to the Contracting Officer; and Clearly describe any modification the offeror plans to make in a product to make it conform to the solicitation requirements. Mark any descriptive material to clearly show the modification. The contracting officer will evaluate equal products on the basis of information furnished by the offeror or identified in the offer and reasonably available to the contracting officer. The Contracting Officer is not responsible for locating or obtaining any information not identified in the offer. Unless the offeror clearly indicates in its offer that the product being offered is an equal product, the offeror shall provide the brand name product referenced in the solicitation. Any award made as a result of this solicitation will be made on an All or Nothing Basis. State if quoted items are available and priced through offerors existing Government-wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC), GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contract, or VA-wide Acquisition Contract. Offerors are warned against contacting any VA personnel other than the Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist prior to placement of any award made resulting from this RFQ. If such contact occurs and found to be prejudicial to competing contactors, the offeror making such contact may be excluded from award considerations. All proprietary information shall be clearly and properly marked. If the Offeror submits annexes, documentation, attachments or the like, not specifically required by this solicitation, such will count against the Offeror s page limitations unless otherwise indicated in the specific volume instructions below. All information shall be confined to the appropriate file. The offeror shall confine submissions to essential matters, sufficient to define the quote and provide an adequate basis for evaluation. Offerors are responsible for including sufficient details, in a concise manner, to permit a complete and accurate evaluation of each quote. Submission of quote shall include the following volumes: (I) - Technical capability or quality of the item offered to meet the Government requirement; (II) Price; Volume I - Technical capability or quality of the item offered to meet the Government requirement The offeror shall submit specifications, cut sheets, or brochures confirming the equal products, including equal products of the brand name manufacturer submitted, meets or exceeds the salient physical, functional, or performance characteristic specified in this solicitation. The product(s) quoted must be identified by brand name, if any, and make or model number. Volume II Price Price - The offeror shall complete the pricing schedule provided in Section (v) above: Price/Cost Schedule. (End of Addendum to 52.212-1) 52.212-2, Evaluation--Commercial Items applies to this acquisition ADDENDUM to FAR 52.212-2 EVALUATION COMMERCIAL ITEMS: The Government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to the Government considering price and other factors. The following factors shall be used to evaluate quotations: Factor 1. Technical capability or quality of the item offered to meet the Government requirement Factor 2. Price Evaluation Approach. The Government will evaluate quotations using the comparative evaluation process outlined in FAR 13.106-2(b)(3), where quotations will be compared to one another to determine which provides the best benefit to the Government. The Government reserves the right to consider a quotation other than the lowest price that provides additional benefit(s). Quotations may exceed minimum requirements of the solicitation. The Government reserves the right to select a quotation that provides benefit to the Government that exceeds the minimum requirements of the solicitation but is not required to do so. Each response must meet the minimum requirements of the solicitation. The Government is not requesting or accepting alternate quotations. The evaluation will consider the following: Factor 1. Technical capability or quality of the item offered to meet the Government requirement: The quotation will be evaluated to the extent to which it can meet and/or exceed the Government s requirements as outlined in the solicitation and based on the information requested in the instructions to quoters section of the solicitation. Factor 2. Price: The Government will evaluate the price by adding the total of all line item prices. The Government may use various price analysis techniques and procedures to make a price reasonableness determination. Offers that do not meet or exceed the technical capability or quality of the item offered to the Government requirement shall not be selected regardless of price. (End of Addendum to 52.212-2) 52.212-3, Offeror Representations and Certifications Commercial Items, applies to this acquisition. Offerors must complete annual representations and certifications electronically via the System for Award Management (SAM) website located at in accordance with FAR 52.212-3, Offerors Representations and Certifications Commercial Items. If paragraph (j) of the provision is applicable, a written submission is required. Offerors must be registered in SAM at time of offer submission. 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions--Commercial Items applies to this acquisition 52.212-5, Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders--Commercial Items (JUL 2020) applies to this acquisition FAR 52.212-5 applies to this acquisition with the following FAR clauses incorporated by reference; FAR 52.204-10 Reporting Executive Compensation & First-Tier Subcontract Awards (JUN 2020) FAR 52.204-16 Commercial and Government Entity Code Reporting (AUG 2020) FAR 52.204-24 Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment (OCT 2020) FAR 52.209-6 Protecting the Government s Interest When Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment (JUN 2020) FAR 52.219-6 Notice of Total Small Business Set Aside FAR 52.222-3 Convict Labor (JUN 2003) FAR 52.219-33 Nonmanufacturer Rule (Sep 2021) FAR 52.222-19 Child Labor Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies (JUL 2020) FAR 52.222-21 Prohibition of Segregated Facilities (APR 2015) FAR 52.222-26 Equal Opportunity (SEP 2016) FAR 52.222-35 Equal Opportunity for Veterans (JUN 2020) FAR 52.222-36 Equal Opportunity for Workers with Disabilities (JUN 2020) FAR 52.222-37 Employment Reports on Veterans (JUN 2020) FAR 52.222-40 Notification of Employee Rights Under the National Labor Relations Act (DEC 2010) FAR 52.222-50 Combating Trafficking in Persons (OCT 2020) FAR 52.223-18 Encouraging Contractor Policies to Ban Text Messaging While Driving (JUN 2020) FAR 52.225-13 Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases (JUN 2008) FAR 52.232-33 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer System for Award Management (Oct 2018) Additional contract requirements or terms and conditions: 52.219-14 Limitations on Subcontracting. (Oct 2022) (a) This clause does not apply to the unrestricted portion of a partial set-aside. (b) Definition. Similarly situated entity, as used in this clause, means a first-tier subcontractor, including an independent contractor, that (1) Has the same small business program status as that which qualified the prime contractor for the award (e.g., for a small business set-aside contract, any small business concern, without regard to its socioeconomic status); and (2) Is considered small for the size standard under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code the prime contractor assigned to the subcontract. (c) Applicability. This clause applies only to (1) Contracts that have been set aside for any of the small business concerns identified in 19.000(a)(3); (2) Part or parts of a multiple-award contract that have been set aside for any of the small business concerns identified in 19.000(a)(3); (3) Contracts that have been awarded on a sole-source basis in accordance with subparts 19.8, 19.13, 19.14, and 19.15; (4) Orders expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold and that are (i) Set aside for small business concerns under multiple-award contracts, as described in 8.405-5 and 16.505(b)(2)(i)(F); or (ii) Issued directly to small business concerns under multiple-award contracts as described in 19.504(c)(1)(ii); (5) Orders, regardless of dollar value, that are (i) Set aside in accordance with subparts 19.8, 19.13, 19.14, or 19.15 under multiple-award contracts, as described in 8.405-5 and 16.505(b)(2)(i)(F); or (ii) Issued directly to concerns that qualify for the programs described in subparts 19.8, 19.13, 19.14, or 19.15 under multiple-award contracts, as described in 19.504(c)(1)(ii); and (6) Contracts using the HUBZone price evaluation preference to award to a HUBZone small business concern unless the concern waived the evaluation preference. (d) Independent contractors. An independent contractor shall be considered a subcontractor. (e) Limitations on subcontracting. By submission of an offer and execution of a contract, the Contractor agrees that in performance of a contract assigned a North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for (1) Services (except construction), it will not pay more than 50 percent of the amount paid by the Government for contract performance to subcontractors that are not similarly situated entities. Any work that a similarly situated entity further subcontracts will count towards the prime contractor's 50 percent subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded. When a contract includes both services and supplies, the 50 percent limitation shall apply only to the service portion of the contract; (2) Supplies (other than procurement from a nonmanufacturer of such supplies), it will not pay more than 50 percent of the amount paid by the Government for contract performance, excluding the cost of materials, to subcontractors that are not similarly situated entities. Any work that a similarly situated entity further subcontracts will count towards the prime contractor's 50 percent subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded. When a contract includes both supplies and services, the 50 percent limitation shall apply only to the supply portion of the contract; (3) General construction, it will not pay more than 85 percent of the amount paid by the Government for contract performance, excluding the cost of materials, to subcontractors that are not similarly situated entities. Any work that a similarly situated entity further subcontracts will count towards the prime contractor's 85 percent subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded; or (4) Construction by special trade contractors, it will not pay more than 75 percent of the amount paid by the Government for contract performance, excluding the cost of materials, to subcontractors that are not similarly situated entities. Any work that a similarly situated entity further subcontracts will count towards the prime contractor's 75 percent subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded. (f) The Contractor shall comply with the limitations on subcontracting as follows: (1) For contracts, in accordance with paragraphs (c)(1), (2), (3) and (6) of this clause By the end of the base term of the contract and then by the end of each subsequent option period; or X By the end of the performance period for each order issued under the contract. (2) For orders, in accordance with paragraphs (c)(4) and (5) of this clause, by the end of the performance period for the order. (g) A joint venture agrees that, in the performance of the contract, the applicable percentage specified in paragraph (e) of this clause will be performed by the aggregate of the joint venture participants. (1) In a joint venture comprised of a small business protégé and its mentor approved by the Small Business Administration, the small business protégé shall perform at least 40 percent of the work performed by the joint venture. Work performed by the small business protégé in the joint venture must be more than administrative functions. (2) In an 8(a) joint venture, the 8(a) participant(s) shall perform at least 40 percent of the work performed by the joint venture. Work performed by the 8(a) participants in the joint venture must be more than administrative functions. (End of clause) 852.212-70, Provisions and Clauses Applicable to VA Acquisition of Commercial Items (Apr 2020) VAAR 852.203-70 Commercial Advertising (MAY 2018) VAAR 852.232-72 Electronic Submission of Payment Requests (NOV 2018) VAAR 852.233-70 Protest Content/Alternative Dispute Resolution (SEP 2018) VAAR 852.233-71 Alternate Protest Procedure (SEP 2018) VAAR 852.246-71 Rejected Goods (OCT 2018) 852.252-70, Solicitation Provisions or Clauses Incorporated by Reference (Jan 2008) The following provisions or clauses incorporated by reference in this solicitation must be completed by the offeror or prospective contractor and submitted with the quotation or offer. Copies of these provisions or clauses are available on the Internet at the web sites provided in the provision at FAR 52.252-1, Solicitation Provisions Incorporated by Reference, or the clause at FAR 52.252-2, Clauses Incorporated by Reference. Copies may also be obtained from the contracting officer. The following FAR provisions are to be incorporated by reference: FAR 52.204-7 System for Award Management (OCT 2018) FAR 52.204-16 Commercial and Government Entity Code Reporting (AUG 2020) FAR 52.229-11 Tax on Certain Foreign Procurements Notice and Representation (JUN 2020) The following VAAR provisions are to be incorporated by reference: None The following FAR clauses are incorporated by reference: FAR 52.203-17 Contractor Employee Whistleblower Rights and Requirement to Inform Employees of Whistleblower Rights (JUN 2020) FAR 52.204-13 System for Award Management Maintenance (OCT 2018) FAR 52.204-18 Commercial and Government Entity Code Maintenance (AUG 2020) FAR 52.232-40 Providing Accelerated Payments to Small Business Subcontractors (NOV 2021) The following VAAR clauses are to be incorporated by reference: VAAR 852.212-71 Gray Market Items (APR 2020) The Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS) does not apply. Offers are due to no later than 3:00pm MST, September 18, 2024. Name and email of the individual to contact for information regarding the solicitation: Jonathan Saiz

Primary Contact Information

  • Contracting Officer
  • Jonathan Saiz
  • 303-712-5775