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Contract Opportunity Cultural Resources Surveys in AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF USA

Contract Information

  • Contract Status:Active
  • Contract ID:12443924Q0048
  • Department/Ind. Agency: AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF
  • Sub-tier: FOREST SERVICE

General Information

  • Contract Opportunity Type: Justification
  • Original Publication Date: 2024-09-11 08:52
  • Original Date Offers Due:
  • Inactive Policy:AUTOMATIC
  • Original Inactive Date: 2024-10-11
  • Initiative: Justification


Contract Description

This Delivery Order is placed against a IDIQ multiple award agreement. Delivery Order is within the scope of the basic contract(s) 12363N23A4346/12443924Q0048. Market research was conducted in accordance with FAR Part 10 and acquisition planning was conducted in accordance with FAR 7.102. The Government determined this action to be the most appropriate and cost- effective means of procuring the necessary services. This order is exempt from synopsis in accordance with FAR 5.202(a)(11), which states that if the contract action is made under the terms of an existing contract that was previously synopsized in sufficient detail, then it is exempt from synopsis. The basic contract was synopsized, and this task order is being issued in accordance with the terms of that contract. Fair Opportunity was provided to awardees under the IDIQ in accordance with FAR 16.505(b)(1). The Budget Officer/Analyst certified that the funding used for this effort was available and appropriate for this use as evidenced by the approval in block 5 of the Requisition(s). Pursuant to the authority of FAR 16.202-2, use of a Firm Fixed Price contract is the most appropriate contract type to provide this service. There are reasonably definite functional specifications, and the contracting office can establish fair and reasonable prices based upon the expectation of competition.

Award Information

  • Award No:12363N23A4346
  • Award date:2024-08-26
  • Award :
  • Awarded To :

Primary Contact Information

  • David Easter
  • 6516495236