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MIAMI, Florida, USA

  • Establishment Year :2019
  • Trade Name :
  • Contact Person :EDGAR LAMELA
  • Address :245 NE 14TH ST, APT 3508, MIAMI, FLORIDA-33132-1637
  • Phone : 954-740-0333
  • Fax :
  • Website :
  • Capabilities :SuperbStrategy is an expert consulting firm specialized in Management Strategy, Operations Improvement, Government Programs Development and Implementation, Market Research and Communications, as well as Human Resources Training and Development. Our expertise in the American and Hispanic markets, proprietary methodologies, and a very high-touch support, allow us to deliver proven effective solutions to help government agencies achieve and exceed their goals.
  • Quality Assurance Standards

    • ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 Certification : NO
    • ISO-9000 Certification : NO
    • ISO 10012-1 Certification : NO
    • MIL-Q-9858 Certification : NO
    • MIL-STD-45662A Certification : NO

Products & Services Offered by SUPERB STRATEGY INC